Some Like It Haute

Lovely Satisfying Maddening Manifestations Of The Miraculous Instruments Of Pleasure Too Powerful To Be Measured Too Keen To Be Endured And Too Exquisite To Be Intended For Employment By Base Unworthy Man.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

To Execute Or Not To Execute?

Currently I've been addicted to Prison Break. Not only because Wentworth Miller is the cutest thing there is but also, because it's been a while since I've seen a really GOOD show. I mean yes, Desperate Housewives, Lost, and 24 are all fine. Yet what I love about it is that it doesn't appeal to you in the way those shows do. It has a new twist to it basically and keeps you wanting more after each episode!
What I'd like to talk about though is something completely different. I was with a friend a few days back, let's call her X. So, X and I were having dinner and suddenly the conversation heated up after we overheard a discussion between a couple of guys about execution. My friend and I had completely contradicting thoughts on it. (I won't get into how I think execution is against every single human right and should be abolished, because apparently I'm the only one who thinks so) What we argued about was the fact that X thinks that execution should be publicized, so that people learn from others' mistakes. I on the other hand, am completely against it. I think that pictures and articles on a certain execution is just too vulgar. Honestly, everyone has the right to atleast some sort of privacy during their last hours of life. La' and what's worse is when it becomes a spectacle and il mokan maftoo7 to the public? wth is that? I'd like to hear another point of view on it.

Winrid 7ag Wentworth miller <3 akh.


At 1:12 PM, Blogger Dr.Lost said...

yaaaaay im first!!

ok.. first i totally respect u coz u like prison break :))

second of all : what the hell do u mean u r not with execution? ok.. lets say a guy raped 2 little 12 year olds.. u think he shouldnt be punished by getting executed???

the reason its open 2 the public is so people can learn from his mistake and beware and think twice.. thats the whole point

love ur post by the way.. im sooooo into controversial issues.. and u chose one i didnt think of ;(
welcome to the blogging community and i hope u meet a lot of interesting people and make lots of new friends ! :)

At 11:30 PM, Blogger adorra said...

Dr. Lost Congrats on being first!

La I won't get into why I think execution should be abolished. No one else thinks so. I do believe that we shouldn't treat (3ala golat omi) il ghala6 bil ghala6. But nevermind that! So you think that execution should be publicized? hmmf.

and hah yes I beat you to it. More to come inshallah.
and Thankyou!

At 1:13 AM, Blogger adorra said...

7tenths I agree with most of what you're saying. Although, I don't think prisoners have access to prison break, lol.
Being sentenced for life is reasonable, If for life actually meant 'for life'.

I still don't think the media should know who's being executed and what not. Even if the case is big and has caught the public eye.
Only the families involved.

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Dr.Lost said...

it shoud be publicized, coz its a way for people 2 learn what NOT to do..

At 8:16 AM, Blogger Dr.Lost said...

btw i loved hotel rowanda.. great choice.. respect! :)

At 10:17 AM, Blogger adorra said...

La' it shouldn't! Why do people need to know who's getting executed?
For example: The law states that anyone who commits rape will be executed. khalas we all know that. Therefore, biseer feh less rape. bas posting pictures and details is just too out there. I also read that scientific studies failed to prove that execution deters crime more effectively than any other punishment. so hah :I

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Dr.Lost said...

u read wrong ;pp

when ppl see it in front of them its different than just hearing of the law.. its common sense..

At 12:56 AM, Blogger adorra said...

Dr. Lost: It's a scientific study!lol. I read it on wikipedia. look up execution and you'll find it.

Homer: Laken who are we to decide what fits? I think that execution is too inhumane! Taking a life that isn't yours? What makes you any different from the murderer himself?

At 1:55 AM, Blogger Jacqui said...

So he's the actor that is gorgeous in PRison Break that everyone is drooling over :r I never knew that.. True he's hot but still :P

At 1:37 PM, Blogger adorra said...

jackie mako still.
He's hot period. lol


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