Some Like It Haute

Lovely Satisfying Maddening Manifestations Of The Miraculous Instruments Of Pleasure Too Powerful To Be Measured Too Keen To Be Endured And Too Exquisite To Be Intended For Employment By Base Unworthy Man.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Are You Subconsciously Racist?

I take it we've all seen the movie Crash, no? The scene where Sandra Bullock holds onto her husband when she sees two african american youngsters walking towards her was emphasized a lot, and stirred up a bit of controversy. It does make you think doesn't it?
If any of you have read the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, you don't have to read the next paragraph. It was literally one of my most favorite books. It basically talks about what happens in the blink of an eye or something similar to that. He starts by explaining that the unconscious mind is in an infinite and continuous state of judging. Talking about his experiences with long hair and how cops used to pull him over and interrogate him, believing that he was a rapist because he fit the physical profile. In the book he emphasizes on racism and how we are all on one level or another racists. To prove this theory of his, he took the IAT (Implicit Association Test) which is a test that makes connections between pairs of ideas.
The surprise was that more than 80% of all those who have ever taken the test end up having pro-white associations! Which means that it takes them longer to associated good words with the word 'black'. The test goes to prove that our unconscious attitudes may be utterly incompatible with our conscious values. Does it sound far-fetched? Try it for yourselves. (I sure did) (click on demonstration --> Take the Race IAT)

ared wagool, Are we subconsciously racist?


At 11:58 AM, Blogger Dr.Lost said...

yaaay first again! lol...

ok i wanna kill u coz JUST TODAY i was gonna post somethin new about racism in kuwait.. damn it !!!

interesting points u got ill get back 2 u soon..

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Dr.Lost said...

maybe subconsiously some of us are racist.. maybe many of us, and maybe all.. i really dunno.. man i love ur post! deep thinking , interesting research too..

At 11:52 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ask yourself if you ever made a racist (color, religion, ethnicity, etc) joke or comment before. if you didn't may be you didn't but your friend or family did. We all are guilty when it comes to racism.

At 12:52 AM, Blogger adorra said...

Dr Lost: lol stop shotgun-ing my posts! beat you to it again! Yes I do believe that subconsciously we are all racists.

Homer: You're right. We do have preconceived ideas and we do label and judge people. Walaken what this test proves is that sometimes what we _want_ to believe or what we _want_ our values to be like isn't necessarily what they are. Yes you may choose to ignore the stereotypes but your subconscious doesn't.

Ali: I think that there's a fine line between making jokes and being a racist. I don't think we're all guilty of racism per se, but we do tend to cross the lines a tad.


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