Some Like It Haute

Lovely Satisfying Maddening Manifestations Of The Miraculous Instruments Of Pleasure Too Powerful To Be Measured Too Keen To Be Endured And Too Exquisite To Be Intended For Employment By Base Unworthy Man.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Purple Know-It-All

I was out with my friend X again to discuss yet another hot topic. Before we sat down, we decided to rush to the bathroom to re-apply. As we entered the bathroom a few girls were leaving so we opened the door for them. Being the typical girls they are, they just rushed past us. No thank you, not even a smile! So we came to realize how this society promotes rudeness. I don't remember the last time someone asked me to "please hold the elevator door". All I see is a hand springing in between those sliding doors to prevent them from closing. Did they not get the memo that there's a button that does that nowadays? I don't even recall the last time I heard a thank you for opening the door. I do get it occasionally from girls but never from a guy. Opening the door for you does not entitle you to my number (something they seem to not have gotten the memo about either) yet I do expect some sort of recognition for it!
When will they learn? Ya3ni it's okay for them to follow me around like cattle and throw obscene and crude remarks at me, yet it's '7aram' to say thank you when I actually open the door which is a nice gesture BTW. Sometimes I understand the lack of manners laiman I randomly hold the door open for the person behind me without even turning. LAKEN when I take the time to actually open the door for someone the least they can do is smile. La' and at one time I overheard a guy saying "hatha wana il rayal mafrooth ana ili afta7lech il bab". Okay you weren't lazy enough to say that now were you?! :(
You can tell how upset I am writing this. I wasn't even aware of this problem (maybe because I got used to it?) till my friend pointed it out today. She's completely right. I learned basic Please and thank you methods when I was 4 from Barney and his friends. Do they not have an arabic version of it? Isn't it called Morocco il sagheera or something?

On a completely different note. I realized today that my Arabic is getting better! When I was uploading the last episode of season 1 of Prison Break, the following conversation took place:

Me: This episode ought to be good since that guy what-chu-ma-call-him was killed!
X: Oh, he didn't die!
Me: F*** you?? Laish 7iragtay il episode 3alay??
X: Why did I "burn" it for you?
Me: Interesting.

Where the hell did I hear that phrase from? How did I decide to use it all of a sudden? A simple 'Why'd you ruin it for me' would have done nicely. Also, if X is reading this. I'm sure you'll get a chance to "Kill the guy's ass" ASAP.


At 2:21 PM, Blogger adorra said...

Mara7 a7rega 3alaik! khalas kila boga 1 episode and I didn't even see it yet. :(
Well it just comes to show how he was brought up now doesn't it?
VERY pathetic.

At 3:07 PM, Blogger Dr.Lost said...

nice post.. SOOOOOOOO TRUE... when i open the door for a woman, and i at least expect a thank u, and when she doesnt say shit and just keeps walking i say "ür welcome" just 2 show her that she was rude.. but i guess that makes me look like i was tryin 2 chat with her or something.. women here r 2 close minded, and i hate it when they do that, coz some of us actually have good intentions..

next time u open for me the door and ill say thank u, wala iyhimich :) and go sleep its 2 am ;p

At 11:45 PM, Blogger adorra said...

La don't generalize. Some men here are just as close-minded. Khalas I'll make sure to take you up on that!

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

there was this a guy once trying to get in front of me, he has to ask permission. Yes I said. Go ahead. Get in, get in. Then I asked myself: Did I get a thank you wave???? OF COURSE NOT.
How could I not get a thank you wave? so I said: Hey buddy! Where's my thank you wave? so i chased him down for 2 hours looking for my thank you wave.

Taken from Seinfeld lol ;)

At 7:31 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

By the way people check my flickr photo album:

At 7:46 AM, Blogger adorra said...

Ali great stuff as usual.


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