Some Like It Haute

Lovely Satisfying Maddening Manifestations Of The Miraculous Instruments Of Pleasure Too Powerful To Be Measured Too Keen To Be Endured And Too Exquisite To Be Intended For Employment By Base Unworthy Man.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Color Me Blind

Before I got my license, I wanted to get a pink car. Not a bright ohmygod-my-eyes kind of pink but a metallic pink. Once I got my license, it was still on my mind but I didn't actually go through with it. Now I'm sort of glad. I see the sudden outburst of colored cars and it is just revolting. Rarely do I see a pink car 'thabe6' il lon. It's either too pink or too bright or too light, and it just doesnt go well with all car models!

The following car is an example of what a nice pink paint job on a nice car would look like:

It's a decent color of pink and the color actually compliments the car. It's also for sale fa ham da3aya 7ag-hum li'ana they live nearby. :-p

The following two cars are painted colors you should NEVER consider:

Orange? Seriously, orange? no no, seriously?

What is this color? It changes simultaneously. Is it blue? Is it purple? Why is it so shiny?

To the owners of these cars (and friends who encouraged them) I am not trying to offend you. I am merely trying to offend your taste. I'm sorry but what were you thinking? Please TELL me. There is a lot more where this came from. I've seen baby purple cars, cars with 2 different colors, cars with bling-bling on the wheels. Where does it end?

Although, if you actually like it then who am I to judge? In the end it's your car and this is just my personal opinion on the matter.

Update: For KD and all those interested in the pink porsche call 6155589 asap.


At 10:38 PM, Blogger Shwaish said...

yeah there are some weird colored cars, theres this metallic pink escalade that is too ugly ma3a ino i love the car but fe this kinda hot pink cts that is just to die for, so i guess its just a matter of the right shade for the right care, but i totally agree with u abt the orange cars yu5!! pumpkin is sorta ok but orange and yellow and lime green and baby purple is YU5!!

At 2:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This country is overrun by color blind people didn't you know?

Listen to them bark.

At 6:02 AM, Blogger Entrepreneur said...

You never knew?

Kuwaitis dont have taste :D Its natural

At 6:17 AM, Blogger jiji said...

pink porsche! -sigh- 7ilwaa!!! fe wa7da thanya same shade bs older porsche shway ow convertable ham jameela

At 9:34 AM, Blogger adorra said...

Orange Juice: Black is nice I agree.

Princess: Tell me about it!

MiniR: I only recently found out.

entre: but but but some do :-p

jiji: It's for sale! Go buy it!!

At 3:58 AM, Blogger The Krispy Dixie said...

how much is the pink panther going for? do u have any info on it? contact number or something u can email me? :D

At 4:51 AM, Blogger adorra said...

Krispy I passed by today and it wasn't there. I suppose it either got sold or is somewhere else for more exposure. I'll see what I can do though

At 10:27 PM, Blogger The Krispy Dixie said...

i always just miss these opportunities! :P

At 7:29 AM, Blogger F. said...

i'm more of a classic person :P I dont like fanatig a nice black or silver one will do (or teal thats a nice colour!)

At 2:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

shft il pink porsche lilbai3 lana they live nearby ham ;p bs ba3oha now lna mo mawjooda o shft wa7da etsoog`ha.. 7loo lunha..
bs alwan il cars il thanya 7araaaaam ;p


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