Some Like It Haute

Lovely Satisfying Maddening Manifestations Of The Miraculous Instruments Of Pleasure Too Powerful To Be Measured Too Keen To Be Endured And Too Exquisite To Be Intended For Employment By Base Unworthy Man.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Damien said it best

"We might make out
When nobody's there
It's not that we're scared
It's just that it's delicate

We might make love
In some sacred place
The look on your face
Is delicate

In other news, yet another example of wise parenting in Kuwait:

Yes that's a girl lying in the back of a car where tissue boxes are supposed to be and the only way you are able to see the car behind you through your rear-view mirror. Yup.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Tagged by Twix

A picture day in my life:

The first thing I saw when I woke up was the ceiling

After I washed up, I checked to see if I had any e-mails

I got dressed

I got in my car and drove to my grandma's house

The weather was beautiful

This always makes me laugh when I park. It's right next door

After my grandma's house, I decide to go out since it was thursday and all. I turn on my iPod and I'm driving all happy and non chalant

Suddenly, I got a flat tire! A typical day in my life. This was my car at the nearest gas station with no tire :-(

It was a VERY long day. No one could figure out how to fix it and the dealership told me that they could pick it up and then fix it on Saturday which is just way too long a wait. Eventually, I called some random person to fit the spare tire in and I got a 'real' tire around 9am today. Hopefully by now the driver has fixed my car and it'll be ready for me by tonight!

(I had more pictures to complete my day, including the pizza I had for dinner, but blogger won't let me add any more pictures?)

Word of the day: Trencherman. I displayed a trencherman's appetite last night.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My Republic

- I get utterly disgusted when women tell me that girls who study abroad don't get married. It's a joke. Girls who study abroad don't want your sons. Why you ask? I'll tell you. Compared to a girl who studied abroad and broadened her horizons a tad, your son is illiterate, unchallenging and basically stupid. The pool of eligible men that would regularly satisfy a girl who got her degree from here and has seen nothing but those men gets thinned down to a pond. It isn't a pond because men stop pursuing a woman who earned her degree abroad but it's because she stopped giving a damn. She doesn't care what society thinks of her not being married by the age of 23. She doesn't care what X thinks of her because she isn't married to Y. She doesn't care if she has to wait a life time just to find someone who will stimulate her mind! I'm not saying that people who get their degrees from abroad are better than those who get them locally. What I am saying is if you think that a girl is undeserving of your son/brother/cousin/friend just because she got her degree from the states, STFU.

- I don't understand why some people think that knowing a person before marrying them is taboo. Putting everything you know about religion, tradition and social standards aside; how the hell do you marry someone you don't know? If you're going to say that's what an engagement is for then I'll say that's bullshit. An engagement is a commitment. I for one don't want to commit to someone who I have nothing in common with. I don't want to commit to someone based on what my mother thinks of him. My mother and I are two completely different people. She might know what's best for me on paper but she probably doesn't know what I'd like to spend the rest of my life with. So no, I have to know you before I marry you. By know you, I don't mean as someone I've seen once at a gathering. I mean KNOW you. I want to know if I can live with you, if you don't aggravate my pet peeves and I want to know if we have that certain something-something that makes me yearn for you.

- I would like to say the following: Just because you are married at 18 doesn't mean that anyone who isn't married by the age of 23 is undesirable. Also, getting married when you're 18 is stupid. I know that society doesn't condone women who don't want to get married right after they get their period but I think we should take a moment and think of our options. Why get married at 18? Even if you are very careful and you are financially stable and you are completely and utterly in love there are always flaws and faults. What if you get pregnant? Not everyone can manage studying and breast feeding. If you think that taking care of your child is more important than taking care of your career then more power to you but don't come running to me when you're 35, with no skills and about to go through a divorce with a husband who will leave you absolutely nothing but the child you gave up your life for. Fine, children are great blah blah but please don't put all your eggs in one basket. If you must, don't judge the girls who are smarter than you and who decide on having both a career and a child equally and who have half a brain to actually get an education and experience a decent career before settling down and starting a family. You will most likely say that that is the way our parents and their parents and their parents before them did it but times have changed and what was acceptable then is not acceptable anymore. It could work. I'm not saying that you can't balance it but there's always a slight chance that you'll slip and wouldn't you rather wait a few years and get steady on your feet before jumping into something that you MIGHT regret later?

- I dropped cranberry juice on B's pants at Starbucks and they stained the entire left side of her thigh. I'm very sorry. I know it was embarrassing walking all the way back to your car with red stains. :-(

Disclaimer: I am not against mothers with sons who have a degree from KU + I am not against girls who get married by the age of 18 + I am not against women who marry the men their parents pick for them. This is just my opinion on the matter and since this is my blog, I am entitled to at least that.