Some Like It Haute

Lovely Satisfying Maddening Manifestations Of The Miraculous Instruments Of Pleasure Too Powerful To Be Measured Too Keen To Be Endured And Too Exquisite To Be Intended For Employment By Base Unworthy Man.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

100 things about me - Part 2

26) I once told a random guy that I thought he was pretty
27) I love Zoolander
28) I once wore a green ribbon on my wrist for a month
29) Messages in my inbox annoy me. I have them categorized in folders
30) One of my fantasies is meeting someone on an airplane
31) My passion is Sudoku
32) Skinny men scare me
33) I clean out my room twice a month
34) I have kept every card I've received since I was 11 in one big box
35) Although I wear contacts, I love people who wear glasses. I think it makes them look sophisticated
36) I have a half brother
37) I loved the book 1984
38) I hate olives
39) I once hit a guy walking on the street. I was in my car
40) I think that Kuwaiti women are the most beautiful in the world
41) I'm very paranoid
42) If someone on my msn list is always away when they're online, I delete them. It gets on my nerves
43) I pity people who don't like Frank Sinatra
44) I think that my friend B's small (pinky?) toe is funny. She thinks it looks fine. (It doesn’t)
45) I once sold frogs to a woman on the street
46) I have a very dysfunctional family
47) I don't cut my nails unless I get 3 complaints that they're too long
48) I think red lipstick and really nice black mascara is all a girl needs
49) I live in my heels
50) I'm very good with faces. I still remember everyone who was with me in the 2nd grade. I say hi to them on the streets

To be continued..

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

100 things about me

Part 1:

1) I read books religiously
2) I actually use the indoor/outdoor profile settings on my cell phone for when I'm indoors and outdoors
3) I don't like fish but I eat it when it's served
4) On the other hand, I eat sushi on an every day basis
5) I love Seinfeld
6) My height is 165
7) I have a pink room, a pink bean bag chair, pink blankets and a pink throw
8) If I like the way a blogger writes I read all his/her previous posts even if they date back to 2 years ago
9) I've been in 6 schools excluding KU and the one I'm going to transfer to
10) I hate all my friends' boyfriends
11) I say very dirty words to people who nearly kill me on the road
12) I make a shrugging move and pout whilst mouthing 'I'm sorry' when I nearly kill someone on the road
13) I've had 12 speed cameras catch me in the past 8 months alone
14) I get crushes on bloggers
15) I'm currently reading a book called Freakonomics
16) I like touching beneath my cats paws so much that I want a purse made out of them (not my cats paws, another cats paws)
17) I get a –word of the day- email each day (obviously)
18) I use that word in a sentence when I'm talking and then pretend that I've known it for a while
19) I'm currently listening to The Cardigans – lovefool
20) Smart men turn me on
21) I can only read when I'm at a café or my bathroom
22) My cat has taught me how to commit
23) I love nip/tuck
24) I think that John Travolta is the hottest man alive
25) I'm an obsessive compulsive neat freak (and B will vouch for that)

To be continued..

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Color Me Blind

Before I got my license, I wanted to get a pink car. Not a bright ohmygod-my-eyes kind of pink but a metallic pink. Once I got my license, it was still on my mind but I didn't actually go through with it. Now I'm sort of glad. I see the sudden outburst of colored cars and it is just revolting. Rarely do I see a pink car 'thabe6' il lon. It's either too pink or too bright or too light, and it just doesnt go well with all car models!

The following car is an example of what a nice pink paint job on a nice car would look like:

It's a decent color of pink and the color actually compliments the car. It's also for sale fa ham da3aya 7ag-hum li'ana they live nearby. :-p

The following two cars are painted colors you should NEVER consider:

Orange? Seriously, orange? no no, seriously?

What is this color? It changes simultaneously. Is it blue? Is it purple? Why is it so shiny?

To the owners of these cars (and friends who encouraged them) I am not trying to offend you. I am merely trying to offend your taste. I'm sorry but what were you thinking? Please TELL me. There is a lot more where this came from. I've seen baby purple cars, cars with 2 different colors, cars with bling-bling on the wheels. Where does it end?

Although, if you actually like it then who am I to judge? In the end it's your car and this is just my personal opinion on the matter.

Update: For KD and all those interested in the pink porsche call 6155589 asap.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Self-taught Skills

First of all, a shout out to all the people who now know who I am. Thanks to my not-so-discrete use of my friends names and topics. Yes you :-p I've been quite busy for the past few weeks, and I'm still not done but I decided to keep this blog alive nonetheless.

Disclaimer: If you are in any way offended by the talk of masturbation then please refrain from reading this post.

I wanted to write how B's nephew masturbates but I don't have the time nor the energy to look up children exhibitionists. I'd rather talk about masturbation in general. (Also inspired by another blogger who loves masturbating so much he got turned on when I told him my cat licks himself) – That was an exaggeration but the real version is pretty close.

This post is not supposed to be sexual, it is merely me shedding some light on certain aspects of masturbation that I wasn't aware of. If you have more accurate information on the matter then please enlighten me.

"The word masturbation is believed by many to derive from the Greek word mezea ("penises") and the Latin turbare ("to disturb")." – So apparently, masturbating is disturbing ones penis? Hmm.

1) What does Islam think of masturbation?
"Istimna (استمناء) is the Arabic term for masturbation. Masturbation may only be done in fear of committing adultery, nor is it preferred (either getting married and fasting is suggested as alternatives) It is totally forbidden in the Shi'a sect, but the four Sunni schools of jurisprudence (known as 'mazaheb') have differing stances on the issue. Some consider it forbidden in all cases. Some see it forbidden in certain cases but obligatory in others. Another view is that it is 'makruh' but not expressly forbidden. Scholars of Islam do not approve of masturbation, except in extenuating circumstances."

2) Are there any benefits to masturbating?
"It is held in many mental health circles that masturbation can relieve depression and lead to a higher sense of self-worth + On July 16, 2003, an Australian research team led by Graham Giles of The Cancer Council published a medical study which concluded that frequent masturbation by males may help prevent the development of prostate cancer. The study also indicated that this would be more helpful than ejaculation through sexual intercourse because intercourse can transmit diseases that may increase the risk of cancer instead."

Boys and Girls:
"Compulsive masturbation can be part of a sexual addiction syndrome"

Thursday, August 03, 2006

For lebanon

A relative of mine is part of 'majmoo3at wafaa' that are trying to raise money for lebanon. There will be a charity concert and market at the sheraton on the 13th and 14th of August (the concert will start at 7:30). The tickets cost 15 kd and they are sold at Virgin and through the contact numbers below. Everything from the artist to the seats at the sheraton will be free of charge, so rest assured that the entire price of your ticket will go to lebanon. Please help make a difference and spread the word around. I hope to see you all there. :-)

ندعوكم للمشاركة معنا في هذا الحفل الخيري الذي يحييه الفنان اللبناني شربل روحانا
والذي يعود ريعه لجهود إغاثة النازحين في لبنان
13-14 أغسطس
شيراتون الكويت
تباع التذاكر لدى فيرجن - مرينا مول
أو من خلال المجموعة على الأرقام التالية
9021040 <-- also check out their blog for yourselves.