100 things about me - Part 2
26) I once told a random guy that I thought he was pretty
27) I love Zoolander
28) I once wore a green ribbon on my wrist for a month
29) Messages in my inbox annoy me. I have them categorized in folders
30) One of my fantasies is meeting someone on an airplane
31) My passion is Sudoku
32) Skinny men scare me
33) I clean out my room twice a month
34) I have kept every card I've received since I was 11 in one big box
35) Although I wear contacts, I love people who wear glasses. I think it makes them look sophisticated
36) I have a half brother
37) I loved the book 1984
38) I hate olives
39) I once hit a guy walking on the street. I was in my car
40) I think that Kuwaiti women are the most beautiful in the world
41) I'm very paranoid
42) If someone on my msn list is always away when they're online, I delete them. It gets on my nerves
43) I pity people who don't like Frank Sinatra
44) I think that my friend B's small (pinky?) toe is funny. She thinks it looks fine. (It doesn’t)
45) I once sold frogs to a woman on the street
46) I have a very dysfunctional family
47) I don't cut my nails unless I get 3 complaints that they're too long
48) I think red lipstick and really nice black mascara is all a girl needs
49) I live in my heels
50) I'm very good with faces. I still remember everyone who was with me in the 2nd grade. I say hi to them on the streets
To be continued..